How Emotionally Intelligent Are You?

How Emotionally Intelligent Are You?

Check list for the Conscientious One.

Cambridge Hub

15 Signs That You Are Emotionally Intelligent

By Daniel Wallen

1. You’re Fascinated by What Makes People Tick.

Emotionally intelligent people are fascinated by human behavior. They notice things like body language, dialect, and personal tics. Being a people-watcher helps them find clues about what makes each individual special.

2. You’re an Enthusiastic Leader Who Walks the Walk.

Emotionally intelligent people know it’s silly to talk the talk if they’re not willing to walk the walk. Instead of leading behind by delivering commands, they lead from the front by setting an example.

3. You’re Aware of Your Strengths and Weaknesses.

Emotionally intelligent people know you’re not as weak as your weakest link; you are as strong as your strongest link. They use their greatest strengths as much as possible to make their weaknesses a moot point.

4. You’re at Peace with the Past.

Emotionally intelligent people don’t have time for…

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